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Produkt zum Begriff Short Code:

  • Writing Efficient Ruby Code (Digital Short Cut)
    Writing Efficient Ruby Code (Digital Short Cut)

    This short cut focuses on a number of coding patterns that are useful when trying to get maximum speed out of performance-critical sections of Ruby code. Anti-patterns, that is, coding idioms, which should be avoided in performance-sensitive code sections are discussed, including details on how to transform such code to make it more efficient. Most patterns were extracted from Stefan Kaes' work on improving performance of the Rails core and his regular Rails performance consulting work. These patterns are largely non-algorithmic, detailing local code transformations to achieve identical results with slightly different and faster code, as even local code changes can sometimes result in orders of magnitude improvements. Some patterns are useful independent of Rails' implementation language, but some of them are specific to Ruby, or more specifically, the current implementation of Ruby. Converts from other languages, especially from statically typed languages such as Java or C++ may find this material useful, as the performance characteristics of certain operations, like performing a function call or accessing object fields/attributes, are quite different from what you expect.What This Short Cut CoversIntroductionRuby's Interpreter Is SlowRuntime Complexity of Ruby Language ConstructsPatternsInstance Variables versus AccessorsLocal Variables Are CheapAssignments in ExpressionsInterpolated StringsIn-Place UpdatesSets versus ArraysFor Loops versus eachMake Decisions at Load TimeSelf Modifying CodeTest Most Frequent Case FirstOptimize Access to Global ConstantsCaching Data in Instance VariablesCaching Data in Class VariablesCoding Variable Caching EfficientlyInitializing Variables with nilUsing .nil?nil? or empty? versus blank?Using returnUsing returningUsing any?Block Local VariablesDate FormattingTemporary Datastructure ConstantsFile System AccessObjectSpace.each_objectUnnecessary Block ParametersSymbol.to_procChained Calls of mapRequiring Files DynamicallyIncluding Modules versus Opening ClassesAbout the Author

    Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Code Shifter
    Code Shifter

    Code Shifter

    Preis: 11.14 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Code Complete
    Code Complete

    Widely considered one of the best practical guides to programming, Steve McConnell’s original CODE COMPLETE has been helping developers write better software for more than a decade. Now this classic book has been fully updated and revised with leading-edge practices—and hundreds of new code samples—illustrating the art and science of software construction. Capturing the body of knowledge available from research, academia, and everyday commercial practice, McConnell synthesizes the most effective techniques and must-know principles into clear, pragmatic guidance. No matter what your experience level, development environment, or project size, this book will inform and stimulate your thinking—and help you build the highest quality code. Discover the timeless techniques and strategies that help you: Design for minimum complexity and maximum creativity Reap the benefits of collaborative development Apply defensive programming techniques to reduce and flush out errors Exploit opportunities to refactor—or evolve—code, and do it safely Use construction practices that are right-weight for your project Debug problems quickly and effectively Resolve critical construction issues early and correctly Build quality into the beginning, middle, and end of your project

    Preis: 33.16 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Code Vein
    Code Vein

    Code Vein

    Preis: 17.85 € | Versand*: 0.00 €

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  • Good Code, Bad Code: Think like a software engineer
    Good Code, Bad Code: Think like a software engineer

    "Helps explain some of the knowledge gaps between enthusiastic new graduates and grouchy old gray beards like myself." - Joe IvansPractical techniques for writing code that is robust, reliable, and easy for team members to understand and adapt.Good code or bad code? The difference often comes down to how you apply the conventions, style guides, and other established practices of the software development community. In Good Code, Bad Code you'll learn how to boost your effectiveness and productivity with code development insights normally only learned through years of experience, careful mentorship, and hundreds of code reviews.In Good Code, Bad Code you'll learn how to:- Think about code like an effective software engineer- Write functions that read like a well-structured sentence- Ensure code is reliable and bug free- Effectively unit test code- Identify code that can cause problems and improve it- Write code that is reusable and adaptable to new requirements- Improve your medium and long-term productivity- Save you and your team's timeabout the technologyCoding in a development team requires very different skills to working on personal projects. Successful software engineers need to ensure that their code is reusable, maintainable, and easy for others to understand and adapt.about the bookGood Code, Bad Code is a shortcut guide to writing high-quality code. Your mentor is Google veteran Tom Long, who lays out lessons and mindsets that will take your code from junior developer to senior engineer. This instantly-useful book distils the principles of professional coding into one comprehensive and hands-on beginner's guide.You'll start with a jargon-free primer to coding fundamentals that teaches you to think about abstractions, consider your fellow engineers, and write code that can recover from errors. Next, you'll dive into specific techniques and practices. You'll run through common coding practices to learn when to apply the right technique to your problemand which might be best avoided! All practices are illustrated with annotated code samples written in an instantly recognizable pseudocode that you can relate to your favourite object-oriented language. By the time you're done, you'll be writing the kind of readable, reusable, and testable code that's the mark of a true software professional.about the readerFor coders looking to improve their experience in professional software development.about the authorTom Long is a software engineer at Google. He works as a tech lead, mentoring and teaching professional coding practices to new graduates and beginner software engineers.

    Preis: 49.21 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was ist ein Short Segment Barrett Ösophagus?

    Ein Short Segment Barrett Ösophagus ist eine Form von Barrett-Ösophagus, bei der nur ein kurzes Stück der Speiseröhre von den normalen Zellen in Zellen umgewandelt wird, die denen im Darm ähneln. Dieses Segment beträgt in der Regel weniger als 3 cm. Im Gegensatz dazu erstreckt sich bei einem Long Segment Barrett Ösophagus die veränderte Zellregion über mehr als 3 cm der Speiseröhre. Ein Short Segment Barrett Ösophagus kann durch gastroösophagealen Reflux verursacht werden, bei dem Magensäure in die Speiseröhre zurückfließt und Schäden verursacht. Es ist wichtig, einen Short Segment Barrett Ösophagus regelmäßig zu überwachen, da er das Risiko für die Entwicklung von Speiseröhrenkrebs erhöhen kann.

  • Wie erhalte ich den PIN-Code per SMS?

    Um den PIN-Code per SMS zu erhalten, müssen Sie normalerweise eine SMS an den entsprechenden Dienst oder Anbieter senden. In der Regel erhalten Sie dann eine automatische Antwort mit dem PIN-Code. Es ist wichtig, sicherzustellen, dass Sie die richtige Nummer oder Adresse verwenden und dass Ihr Mobiltelefon mit dem Netzwerk verbunden ist, um die SMS zu empfangen.

  • Was bedeutet short gehen an der Börse?

    Was bedeutet short gehen an der Börse? Kurz gesagt, beim Short Selling leiht sich ein Anleger Aktien von einem Broker und verkauft sie sofort zu dem aktuellen Marktpreis, in der Hoffnung, dass der Kurs der Aktie in Zukunft sinken wird. Wenn der Kurs tatsächlich fällt, kann der Anleger die Aktien zu einem niedrigeren Preis zurückkaufen und dem Broker zurückgeben, wodurch er einen Gewinn erzielt. Short gehen kann jedoch auch riskant sein, da der Verlust theoretisch unbegrenzt ist, wenn der Kurs der Aktie steigt, anstatt zu fallen. Es ist wichtig, dass Anleger die Risiken des Short Selling verstehen, bevor sie sich darauf einlassen.

  • Warum kommt der Twitter SMS Code nicht an?

    Es gibt mehrere mögliche Gründe, warum der Twitter SMS Code nicht ankommt. Es könnte sein, dass die Mobilfunknummer nicht korrekt eingegeben wurde oder dass es ein Problem mit dem Mobilfunknetz gibt. Es ist auch möglich, dass der SMS Code von einem Spam-Filter blockiert wird. In solchen Fällen ist es ratsam, die Mobilfunknummer zu überprüfen, das Mobilfunknetz zu kontaktieren oder alternative Verifizierungsmethoden zu verwenden.

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